A Harvey Performance Company

Customer Testimonials

We've long communicated the very real benefits you'll receive when you Let Helical Impress You, but don't just take it from us! Loyal Helical Solutions customers love to share their machining successes with us, and we love to show them off!


Have you achieved machining feats with Helical Solutions end mills?

We'd love to see them!

Follow @HelicalTool on Instagram, and like Helical Solutions on Facebook



"These @helicaltools helped me cut the run time in half on these titanium cases. Material is from @tms_titanium who were amazing to deal with!"


Danny Recordon



"Testing some @helicaltools 7-flute end mills! So far, working great for adaptive clearing and the higher flute count = thicker core = more rigidity!"


John Saunders



"Augie (@da_muffins49) is putting that @helicaltools chipbreaker end mill to work! This tool removed 1.05” of Aluminum in no time!"


Josh Godinez



Featured Customer: Nueva Precision


In the beginning, I was afraid of end mills with a longer length of cut singing like crazy in the machine. I started experimenting with the reduced neck tools from Helical and was blown away by the rigidity. The tool pressure remains consistent throughout the part, so you will get the same great results on the top of the part as on the bottom.


I don’t know how many people are currently using them but it makes so much stuff possible. I have gone as large as ¾” diameter with the 5” reach and have never had an issue.


View the full article on our blog here.


"25 putter head blanks roughed out with one 3/8" roughing endmill from @helicaltools (Tool# 64077). I used a .300" step down, .08" step over at 67 IPM."


Larry Martens



"Making a mess with our new @helicaltools 1/2” chip breaker! These tools are making our jobs easier and more efficient every day!"


Justin Rodd



"Getting old 101: Getting really excited about spending a bunch of money on fancy new endmills for your 1986 Corolla parts."


JSP Fabrication



"Well, I’m impressed! 20 of these handles out of 304ss. Cut my machining time in half using this 5 flute 1/2" endmill from @helicaltools. You can hardly tell the tool was used!!"


Austin Childs



"I was super impressed by this @helicaltools 5 flute mill. It did 350 holes 4.00" deep in 4140, left a great side wall finish, no chatter and still has a lot of life left."


Master Machine Manufacturing



"Used a @helicaltools 1/2" 3 flute end mill to rough out this topography sculpture at 630 IPM! Using superglue workholding made famous by @saundersmachineworks."


Chris Mello
